
Fishing is a very popular sport and also popular entertainment in the world. With a fishing rob and a little patience, you can practice anywhere, from small ponds to huge seas.
Enjoy a stay in Maison Quê, chance to play the role of a Vietnamese peasant who handle easy his bamboo fishing rob on the edge of the shady ponds while listening to the wind, the whisper of leaves, the light wag of fish under water… You will keep in mind the typical smell of countryside with mud, straw… and especially you can immerse yourself in this typical Vietnamese culture.
Place : The tranquil water yard near Maison Quê; pondof any local family
Supporter : The hotel’s staff
- Bamboo fishing rod
- Bait
- Rattan basket
- Stool
- Access to fishing grounds together with our staff.
- Place the bait on the fishing rod.
- Relax and wait patiently for the fish take the bait
- Get fish